I found out a generous offer from Earthscan publisher.
Ingram, J., Ericksen, P., & Liverman, D. (Eds.). (2010). Food Security and Global Environmental Change. London, UK: Earthscan. [Full-text at http://j.mp/Food_Environment]
List of Figures, Tables and Boxes ........................................ vii
Editorial Committee ........................................................ x
List of Contributors ...................................................... xi
Preface ................................................................. xiii
Acknowledgements ......................................................... xvi
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................... xvii
Part I Food Security, Food Systems and Global Environmental Change
Chapter 1 Food Systems and the Global Environment: An Overview ............. 3
Diana Liverman and Kamal Kapadia
Chapter 2 The Value of a Food System Approach ............................. 25
Polly Ericksen, Beth Stewart, Jane Dixon, David Barling, Philip Loring,
Molly Anderson and John Ingram
Chapter 3 Lessons Learned from International Assessments .................. 46
Stanley Wood, Polly Ericksen, Beth Stewart, Philip Thornton and
Molly Anderson
Chapter 4 Part I: Main Messages ........................................... 63
Part II Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in Food Systems
Chapter 5 Vulnerability and Resilience of Food Systems .................... 67
Polly Ericksen, Hans-Georg Bohle and Beth Stewart
Chapter 6 What is Vulnerable? ............................................. 78
Hallie Eakin
Chapter 7 Vulnerability to What? .......................................... 87
Alison Misselhorn, Hallie Eakin, Stephen Devereux, Scott Drimie,
Siwa Msangi, Elisabeth Simelton and Mark Stafford Smith
Chapter 8 Adapting Food Systems .......................................... 115
Polly Ericksen, Beth Stewart, Siri Eriksen, Petra Tschakert,
Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Jim Hansen and Philip Thornton
Chapter 9 Part II: Main Messages ......................................... 144
Part III Engaging Stakeholders
Chapter 10 The Science–Policy Interface .................................. 149
John Holmes, Gabriele Bammer, John Young, Miriam Saxl and Beth Stewart
Chapter 11 Engaging Stakeholders at the Regional Level ................... 169
John Ingram, Jens Andersson, Gabriele Bammer, Molly Brown, Ken Giller,
Thomas Henrichs, John Holmes, James W. Jones, Rutger Schilpzand and
John Young
Chapter 12 Part III: Main Messages ....................................... 198
Part IV A Regional Approach
Chapter 13 Why Regions? .................................................. 203
Diana Liverman and John Ingram
Chapter 14 Stakeholders’ Approaches to Regional Food Security Research ... 212
John Ingram and Kamal Kapadia
Chapter 15 Undertaking Research at the Regional Level .................... 221
John Ingram and Anne-Marie Izac
Chapter 16 Part IV: Main Messages ........................................ 241
Part V Food Systems in a Changing World
Chapter 17 Food, Violence and Human Rights ............................... 245
Hallie Eakin, Hans-Georg Bohle, Anne-Marie Izac, Anette Reenberg,
Peter Gregory and Laura Pereira
Chapter 18 Governance Beyond the State: Non-state Actors and Food Systems .......................................................................... 272
Rutger Schilpzand, Diana Liverman, David Tecklin, Ronald Gordon,
Laura Pereira, Miriam Saxl and Keith Wiebe
Chapter 19 Green Food Systems for 9 Billion .............................. 301
Michael Obersteiner, Mark Stafford Smith, Claudia Hiepe, Mike Brklacich
and Winston Rudder
Chapter 20 Surprises and Possibilities ................................... 318
Alison Misselhorn, Andrew Challinor, Philip Thornton, James W. Jones,
Rüdiger Schaldach and Veronique Plocq-Fichelet
Chapter 21 Part V: Main Messages ......................................... 342
Chapter 22 Reflections on the Book ....................................... 345
Thomas Rosswall
Index .................................................................... 351