Because I have compared energy intensities of G20 countries, I decided to compare the G20 members by their CO2 emissions per capita both in before- and after-trade terms. It was a simple task. I have divided each country's emissions (Le Quéré et al., 2014) by their population (UN DESA, 2013). The following figures show the results.
Let's take a look at the Table below. In 2012, French people emitted 56% more CO2 by consumption-based (after-trade) emissions (8.32 tCO2/person/year) than that by production-based (before-trade) emissions (5.34 tCO2/person/year). China's per capita emissions decrease significantly using the same comparison. In 2012, Chinese people emitted 5.84 tonnes of CO2 per person by after-trade emissions, which is 16% less than the before-trade emissions (6.97 tCO2/person/year). (See also Figure 1 & Figure 2).
How about comparing those G20 countries by rankings? Before the trade-adjustment (Figure 3), China ranked 17th among G20 countries by the production-based per capita CO2 emissions in 1993. In 2013, the country ranked 6th.
After adjusting the emissions by international trade (Figure 4), it is a different story. China was No. 17 in 1993 by the after-trade emissions per capita. In 2012, it stepped up only three ranks (No. 14). By comparison, South Korea leaped up 6 ranks. It was No. 11 in 1993 before its rank rose to No. 5 in 2012. Russia beat China in terms of rank ascension. The country rose by 4 ranks from No. 12 to No. 8.
Table. Difference between Before-Trade Emissions and After-Trade Emissions
([Difference] = [B-A]/A, where
A: CO2 emissions per person before trade-adjustment,
B: CO2 emissions per person after trade-adjustment)
1993 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | |
Argentina | 5.1% | 3.2% | -2.4% | -16.3% | -7.2% | -6.5% | -4.8% |
Australia | -14.3% | -13.8% | -16.8% | -12.6% | -9.5% | -8.5% | -4.2% |
Brazil | 7.6% | 10.3% | 3.3% | -2.8% | 8.4% | 8.0% | 6.1% |
Canada | 2.9% | 2.6% | -0.3% | 0.5% | 11.0% | 11.4% | 12.1% |
China | -6.0% | -11.1% | -11.9% | -19.2% | -16.9% | -16.4% | -16.3% |
France | 33.1% | 31.9% | 38.0% | 39.6% | 48.2% | 56.0% | 55.8% |
Germany | 27.4% | 27.3% | 24.0% | 23.6% | 22.6% | 26.1% | 23.9% |
India | -4.9% | -6.2% | -10.2% | -9.0% | -8.1% | -8.9% | -9.8% |
Indonesia | -8.7% | -7.1% | -14.3% | -7.7% | -1.5% | -3.0% | -1.3% |
Italy | 36.7% | 31.0% | 30.9% | 29.5% | 44.3% | 48.8% | 51.8% |
Japan | 21.5% | 22.6% | 22.7% | 21.4% | 25.8% | 29.6% | 27.2% |
Korea, South | 22.3% | 17.3% | 10.6% | 22.3% | 15.9% | 14.7% | 14.2% |
Mexico | 2.8% | -5.7% | 6.4% | 10.3% | 5.1% | 4.8% | 3.0% |
Russia | -38.8% | -27.6% | -30.6% | -23.7% | -18.4% | -19.1% | -18.3% |
Saudi Arabia | -7.4% | -5.5% | -30.9% | -27.0% | -13.0% | -16.5% | -17.0% |
South Africa | -28.8% | -28.1% | -26.6% | -27.9% | -25.7% | -26.6% | -25.1% |
Turkey | 40.6% | 28.4% | 15.3% | 16.7% | 16.6% | 15.2% | 10.8% |
United Kingdom | 13.1% | 13.1% | 20.7% | 28.5% | 30.7% | 37.0% | 35.2% |
United States | -1.1% | -0.9% | 4.9% | 8.1% | 6.8% | 7.6% | 8.7% |
EU28 | 22.7% | 20.0% | 21.7% | 24.1% | 28.9% | 32.7% | 33.0% |
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 4
Le Quéré, C., et al. (2014). Global Carbon Budget 2014. Earth System Science Data Discussions, (In Review). [Full-text at; Data at]
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA). (2013). World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision. [Data at]