Their main targets based on the 'Energy [R]evolution' scenario are to reduce energy related CO2 emissions by 50% from their 1990 levels, phase out global nuclear energy by 2050, and produce 79% of the worldwide electricity from renewable energy sources.
The following figures explain how those targets are achieved step-by-step from 2007 to 2050, while the targets are compared with reference and advanced scenarios.
- Targets 1 and 2: Reduce energy related CO2 emissions by 50% from their 1990 levels and phase out global nuclear energy by 2050

- Target 3: Produce 79% of the worldwide electricity from renewable energy sources by 2050

According to the report, the main energy [r]evolution scenario can be achieved by five principles:
- Implement renewable solutions, especially through decentralised energy systems
- Respect the natural limits of the environment
- Phase out dirty, unsustainable energy sources
- Create greater equity in the use of resources
- Decouple economic growth from the consumption of fossil fuels
Source: Teske, S., Zervos, A., Lins, C., Muth, J., et al. (2010). Energy [r]evolution: a sustainable global energy outlook (3rd ed.). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Greenpeace International; Brussels, Belgium: European Renewable Energy Council (EREC). [Full-text at]
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