Friday, April 4, 2014

19 Focus Areas of UN's Sustainable Development Goals for Post-2015 (Post-MDG) Development Agenda

Apparently, the United Nations updated the "Universal Goals and National Targets for the UN's Post-2015 (Post-MDG) Development Agenda." The Universal Goals and National Targets, the center of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, will be finalized as "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs).
"Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals," commissioned with drafting proposal SDGs, is now considering 19 focus areas. Each focus area has several goals and targets as summarized below (in total, about 140 of those).
Please remember that the list is never final. The UN is crowd-sourcing SDGs using inputs from all over the world at Anyone can submit proposals at the website.

19 Focus Areas of Sustainable Development Goals

1 Poverty Eradication
·         Access to property and productive assets, finance and markets for all women and men
·         Eradicating absolute poverty
·         Providing social protection to reduce vulnerabilities of the poor, including children, youth, unemployed, persons with disabilities, indigenous people and local communities and older persons
2 Food Security and Nutrition
·         Boosting agricultural productivity, including through adequate irrigation, seeds and fertilisers, while in parallel halting and reversing land degradation and desertification
·         Eliminating all forms of harmful agricultural subsidies
·         Ensuring year-round access by all to affordable, adequate, safe and nutritious food
·         Improved access to credit and other financial services, land tenure, and agricultural extension services, for all, including smallholders, women, indigenous and local communities
·         Promoting indigenous and sustainable farming practices
·         Strengthening resilience of farming systems and food supplies to climate change
3 Health and population dynamics
·         Access to sexual and reproductive health
·         Addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
·         Elimination of preventable child and maternal death;
·         Ensuring year-round access by all to affordable, adequate, safe and nutritious food
·         Preventing and treating communicable diseases, including malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases
·         Promoting healthy diets and lifestyles, addressing non-communicable diseases, tackling environmental causes of disease, such as exposure to harmful pollutants and substances
·         Strengthening health systems, dissemination of medical and public health knowledge and modern technologies
·         Universal health coverage
4 Education
·         Achieve high completion rates at all levels of education
·         Ensure equitable access to education at all levels with focus on the most marginalized
·         Ensuring effective learning outcomes at all levels and imparting knowledge and skills that match the demands of the labour market, including through vocational training
·         Ensuring equitable access to education at all levels with focus on the most marginalized
·         Extending where needed opportunities for early childhood education
·         Improving access to education for persons with disabilities
·         Integrating sustainable development in education curricula, including awareness raising on how diverse cultures advance sustainable development
·         Universal adult literacy
·         Universal primary education for girls and boys, significant progress towards ensuring that every child receives at least a secondary education, and lifelong learning opportunities
5 Gender equality and women's empowerment
·         Ending all forms of discrimination against women of all ages
·         Ending violence against girls and women in all its forms
·         Ensuring equal access to education at all levels
·         Ensuring equal employment opportunities for women and equal pay for equal work
·         Ensuring equal participation of women in decision-making
·         Equal access to assets and resources
·         Promoting gender equality policies supported by gender disaggregated data
·         Sexual and reproductive health
6 Water and sanitation
·         Bringing fresh water use in line with supply
·         Eliminating the pollution of and dumping of toxic materials in water bodies, and protecting aquifers
·         Enhancing effective water governance including catchment area based integrated water resources management and appropriate trans-boundary co-operation
·         Extending wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse
·         Improving water-use efficiency
·         Protecting and restoring water-linked ecosystems like mountains, watersheds and wetlands
·         Providing adequate facilities and infrastructure, both built and natural, for safe drinking water and sanitation systems in rural and urban areas, including for bulk conveyance and storage of freshwater in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals and aquifers
·         Reducing risks and impacts of water-related disasters
7 Energy
·         Enhance capacities in energy production, trade and distribution with the aim of ensuring access to energy for all by 2030
·         Ensuring universal access, for both women and men, to modern energy services
8 Economic growth
·         Conducive regulatory and fiscal systems, including improved design and administration of taxation systems
·         Creating productive, well-paid jobs
·         Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory international trading system
·         Encouraging structural transformation towards higher productivity sectors and activities
·         Facilitating international technology cooperation and technology transfer
·         Improvements to energy and resource productivity of economic activities
·         Promoting an open, rules based, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system; promoting trade facilitation and preferential market access for LDCs
·         Promoting an open, rules-based, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system
·         Promoting trade facilitation and preferential market access for LDCs
·         Technological upgrading and value addition
9 Industrialization
·         Creation of decent industrial sector jobs
·         Encouraging industrial entrepreneurship and enterprise formation
·         Enhanced science and math, engineering and technical skills
·         Ensuring adequate policy space for industrial development
·         Ensuring adequate policy space for industrial development; Ensuring favorable market access for industrial products and processed commodities of developing countries;
·         Ensuring favourable market access for industrial products and processed commodities of developing countries
·         Investment in sound infrastructure
·         Promoting new industries that supply goods and services for low-income consumers as well as environmentally sustainable products and services
·         Re-industrialization as relevant
·         Strengthening institutions that support industrial production, technological upgrading and value addition
·         Sustainable industrial development based on energy- and resource-efficient and environmentally sound industrial processes, including phase out of harmful chemicals, waste and pollution, and minimizing material use and maximizing material recovery in industry with technology cooperation and transfer to support such development
10 Infrastructure
·         Accessibility to persons with disabilities
·         Addressing trans-border infrastructure needs for trade and related challenges facing developing countries
·         Due account for environmental and social impacts of existing and planned infrastructure from a lifecycle perspective
·         Provision of infrastructure for access to modern energy services, as well as provision of reliable transport and communications, including road and rail links, ports and ICT connectivity
·         Provision of technical and financial support for adequate operation and maintenance of infrastructure
11 Employment and decent work for all
·         Addressing youth unemployment
·         Decent wages aligned with productivity
·         Eliminating gender-based and other forms of labour market discrimination including against persons with disabilities and older persons
·         Encouraging transition from informal sector to formal sector employment
·         Facilitating the participation of women in the labour force
·         Increasing access to credit to the youth, women and other vulnerable groups
·         Promoting full employment through macroeconomic policy
·         Promoting full employment through macroeconomic policy;
·         Protecting the rights of migrant workers in compliance with the ILO norms and standards
·         Social security for those retired from the labour force, persons with disabilities and older persons
·         Supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises
·         Training and re-skilling for displaced workers
12 Promoting equality
·         Eliminate stigma and discrimination against people living with and affected by HIV
·         Eliminating discrimination in laws, policies and practices
·         Empowering and inclusion of marginalized groups, including indigenous peoples, minorities, migrants, refugees, persons with disabilities, older persons, children and youth
·         End preventable child deaths
·         Ensuring equality of economic opportunities for all, including marginalized groups
·         Promoting differentially high per capita income growth at the bottom of the income distribution
·         Reducing inequalities between social groups, including economic, social, political and environmental inequalities
·         Strengthening social protection systems
13 Sustainable cities and human settlements
·         Access to safe public space and services
·         Enhancing capacities for urban planning
·         Enhancing social cohesion and personal security and promoting accessible cities for people with disabilities
·         Improving the lives of those living in slums, including by provision of adequate and affordable housing, infrastructure and basic services
·         Improving waste and wastewater management
·         Providing access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport, improving road safety and urban air quality
·         Strengthening positive economic and social links between cities and peri-urban and rural areas
·         Strengthening resilience to natural disasters
14 Sustainable consumption and production
·         Improvements in energy efficiency and materials productivity, with differentiated but progressively converging levels of ambition for developed and developing countries
·         Preventing, reducing, recycling and reusing waste
·         Reducing waste in food production and consumption
·         Sound management of chemicals and hazardous materials in accordance with agreed frameworks
15 Climate
·         Building resilience and adaptive capacity in all countries
·         Providing effective means of implementation
·         Reaffirming and reinforcing international commitments, such as limiting the increase in global average temperature through equitable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
16 Marine resources, oceans and seas
·         Addressing illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and destructive fishing practices
·         Appropriate means of implementation
·         Eliminating harmful subsidies
·         Ensuring full implementation of regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas, and establishing Marine Protected Areas
·         Halting destruction of marine habitat including ocean acidification
·         Halting destruction of marine habitat including ocean acidification
·         Promoting sustainable exploitation of marine resources
·         Protecting marine resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction
·         Reducing marine pollution and debris including from land-based activities
·         Regulating harvesting of straddling fish stocks
17 Ecosystems and biodiversity
·         Promoting sustainable forest management
·         Protecting threatened species and halting loss of biodiversity
18 Means of implementation
·         Enhancing accountability in development cooperation based on agreed principles
·         Enhancing scientific and technological cooperation and technology transfer
·         Further progress on development-supportive trade reforms within an open, rules-based multilateral trading system
·         Mobilizing additional financial resources from multiple sources such as remittances, foreign direct investment, institutional and other long-term investors and innovative financing
·         Recommitment by developed countries to meet ODA targets on an agreed timetable
·         Strengthening capacity building efforts for developing countries and knowledge sharing and technical cooperation among all countries through South-South, North-South cooperation, triangular cooperation
·         To provide impetus to broad stakeholder engagement, some areas that could be considered include: creating inclusive initiatives and partnerships in support of all areas; such initiatives and partnerships to develop resource mobilization strategies; system of regular monitoring, reporting on achievements of initiatives and partnerships; close coordination and cooperation of multi-stakeholder initiatives and partnerships with government and inter- governmental efforts in support of sustainable development
19 Peaceful and non-violent societies, capable institutions
·         Curbing illicit financial flows
·         Effective, accountable and transparent institutions
·         Fighting corruption in all its forms
·         Freedom of media, association and speech
·         Improved public access to information
·         Improvement of transparency in public finances management
·         Inclusive, participatory decision-making
·         Providing access to independent and responsive justice systems
·         Provision of legal identity, provision of property, use and access rights, to all persons
·         Provision of public services for all
·         Reduction of crime, violence, abuse, exploitation, including against children and women
·         Strengthening local governments
·         Strengthening of civil society
·         Strengthening the rule of law at all levels

Source: Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. (2014). Overview - List of Sub-areas with existing goals and targets identified by TST. [Microsoft Excel spreadsheet at]

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